Chicken Bacon

by Cory Blackburn
(Colorado Springs)

I always take my fiance dinner on nights that he has CQ because he is stuck at work for 24 hours. One night I stuck the chicken in to cook and realized 20 minutes later that I was out of chicken rub. I had no spices because I was at a friends house so I quickly looked around for something to improvise with. Next thing I knew I created a classic my fiance refuses to let me forget!

Serves 2-4:

2-4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breats
6-12 slices of Bacon


-Preheat oven to 400.
-Place chicken breast on a cooking sheet and bake for 20 minutes.
-Cut bacon in half and layer on top of chicken breasts.
-Bake chicken with bacon on top for an additional 25-30 minutes.

Serve hot and enjoy.

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Nov 07, 2008
Chicken Bacon Recipe
by: Louis


Thanks for the chicken bacon recipe. I tried the recipe out in my kitchen becuase it seemed so simple.


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