Dieting Secret - Love Yourself

by Linda

Do diets work? NO!!!! diets don't work. I have tried to diet off and on for many years and have lost weight only to gain it back plus some.

I have learned just this year starting Jan 2,2008 that if I want results to last a life time, I must change the way I eat, and get my body moving. I'm so happy to report that I have lost a total of 22lbs since changing the way I eat in Jan.

And I have done it all because of determination, steadfastness, and un-movable faith!

You must begin to love yourself enough to be the best you, You can be, and be willing to do what ever it takes to get yourself healthy. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!

I must say that Dr. Ian, Smith (FAT SMASH DIET BOOK) has given me so many ideas that are easy to stick with That along with exercise 3-4 times a week has help me drop those pounds. I still have more to lose, and I know I will reach my goal, there is no stopping me now.


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