Divinity Candy

Can anyone tell me what would cause divinity candy to puddle? Your answer would be much appreciated.

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Feb 16, 2009
Maybe the humidity caused your divinity candy to puddle
by: Anonymous

Maybe you divinity candy puddled due to too much moisture. Divinity candy will take on too much moisture on a humid day. The candy will not lose its gloss like it should, and will puddle. To avoid this, never make divinity on a humid day.

Diane Watkins

Dec 24, 2008
Divinity Candy That Puddles
by: Soul Food Chef

You posted a very thought provoking question about why divinity candy puddles. I would only be speculating as to why your divinity candy puddles without seeing the recipe you used. Share your recipe and maybe I can see what went wrong in the preparation process.

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