How to make a Moist Red Velvet Cake

by Angela
(Arlington Tx)

What is the key to making a red velvet cake moist but firm so it will not crumble when you cut it?

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Jun 24, 2010
How to Make Moist Cakes
by: Anonymous

I add a cup of pudding (vanilla) in the batter to make it moist actually stays moist for a couple of days and you cant even tell you add pudding in it. Its the same way with cookies if you add pudding to the cookie mix the cookies will stay moist.

Dec 22, 2009
How to make moist cake
by: Anonymous

Once the ingredients are combined, do not overmix....I NEVER use a mixer but stir by hand.

Aug 16, 2009
Add fat
by: Anonymous

You might need to add additional fats. If the original recipe uses butter, cut the butter content in half and replace it with oil. Also, add a dairy fat, like sour cream or cream cheese. These small changes will make the final product moist. Good luck

Jan 23, 2009
How To Make A Moist Cake
by: Soul Food Chef


Sorry to hear that your red velvet cake is crumbling when you cut a slice from the cake. If you want your cake to come out moist every time you must not overcook the cake.

At this point you might be thinking I didn't overcook the cake. If you followed the directions exactly your oven is probably running a few degrees hotter than what is being indicated by your dial/digital reading. My advice to you is to check your oven using an oven thermometer and ensure your oven is heated to the appropriate degree setting.

In addition be sure to store your finished cake in an airtight container this will help to keep your red velvet cake moist.

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