I Am So excited After Finding Your Thanksgiving Recipes

by Penney
(New Haven, CT)

I am not the best cook and I was sitting here trying to put together a menu for Thanksgiving and I don't know how, but I came across your website.

Thank God!!!!!

I have put it in my favorites, I printed 11 recipes and I am looking forward to having a good meal that I actually feel will taste good. Thank you sooo much!


Penney thanks for your enthusiasm. I love the holiday's and especially thanksgiving because of all the tasty homemade foods I prepare and enjoy eating.

My personal favorite foods to prepare during thanksgiving holiday include: honey baked ham, collard greens, cornbread dressing and giblet gravy, candied yams, macaroni and cheese. Of course I enjoy preparing desserts such as pecan and sweet potato pies.

I've assembled all of my favorite recipes on a special page that you can see by clicking on the following link:

Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes

Visit the page and check out these recipes to.

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