This pineapple and carrot salad recipe was provided by Linda, who is an avid reader of our weekly recipe magazine. When I tried out this recipe I decided to use all of the optional ingredients to, so I included in the 1/2 cup of chicken, a the few extra teaspoons of sugar. I also substitutes in miracle whip for mayonnaise as a personal preference.
Although the salad was a little sweet it worked out well with the meal I prepared that also included my favorite baked chicken and homemade mashed potatoes recipe.
This wonderful salad, made from pineapple and carrots sort of served as my dessert, which tasted so sweet and delicious.
Although we recommend this as a summer time salad you could also prepare this recipe during Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday.
If you are a fan of carrots this is the one recipe that you'll have to try out.
Speaking of the holidays, last year I decide to bring this salad to my office Christmas party. I served the salad, the presentation of the dish was great, so I was not surprised when my office mates finished of the dish. I even received a few recipe request, which I often do, so I had printed off a few copies of the recipe ahead of time.
Enough about my experience with this recipe. Okay all that's left is for you to read over the pineapple and carrot salad recipe below and if you agree with what you see try this out.
Recipe Ingredients:
Recipe Directions:
1. In a medium sized bowl stir together carrots, raisins, and pineapple.
2. In another small bowl, stir together curry powder, mayonnaise, sugar, and reserved syrup.
3. Now combine together all ingredients to make a fresh and delicious salad summer time salad.
As you can see this is one of the simplest salad recipes you'll find.
Special thanks goes out to our friend Linda who submitted this recipe. Linda is a reader of Soul Food Digest Magazine, who also said this about the salad, "This is a fast salad that is a big hit with my family and friends". Linda we thank you for providing such a delicious, quick, and easy salad recipe.
Try this recipe and leave a review.