Don't waste your time visiting a soul food restaurant until you a have read this guide.
Do you consider time and money to be precious commodities? If you answered yes, this restaurant guide is your solution to choosing the best restaurants that offer soul food cuisine. No more picking from the yellow pages, only to end up being dissatisfied with your selection.
I'll be the first to admit that when you try to find a great restaurant trial and error has benefits. You could find a well kept secert but more often you will have a poor dining experience. Therefore, picking a restaurant should be more of an art than an adventure. The process is not exact, however if you consider a few simple guidelines you will easily eliminate your occasional unpleasant dining experience.
Obviously, you want to choose a soul food restaurant that has great service, good food and is reasonably priced. Below I have listed other do and don't factors to consider.
Okay now that you're armed with some great knowledge you can do your own leg work or consider some of the soul food and southern cooking restaurants that are featured here on this site.
A variety of quality restaurants that serve Soul food can be found in all of the major cities with a high concentration of African Americans. Check out these city restaurant reviews if you're in the area traveling, on a business trip or just interested in what's available.
Look at these Restaurant Reviews in Cities Near You!